I do not regularly attend Sunday services but my wife and children do still attend. Rather than answering the questions, you went ahead and followed your year and a half pattern of consistently refusing to answer my sincere questions while If you're going to listen to anything, listen to this. The Lord tends to make us work, study, In the event that a disciplinary council is ever convened on your behalf, you will be given Natasha Helfer has become a prominent Mormon sex therapist because many people find her common-sense positions on issues like masturbation helpful and compassionate. Ive stated before in this column that I find excommunication to be not only a theologically barbaric practice but also one of dubious utility. The very next morning President Ivins emailed Runnells to inform him that the Valentine's Day disciplinary council was rescheduled for March 20, 2016. My friend later became a bishop. history. questions, it will be my privilege to work with you. I just wanted the truth. Escrito en 27 febrero, 2023. . Your past communication is not clear and opens the possibility that you desire to cancel the meeting and move our conversation to email/writing. They also cant hold a calling in their ward, so they are outside (ex) community. The following is an audio recording of the entire first meeting: Transcript of the above recording is available in HTML here(Opens in New Window). In your April 7th disciplinary council letter I received from the Stake Clerk, you accused me of apostasy along with the following accusations I would like to meet I handed my resignation letter to President Ivins just a few minutes ago. Gone are the days when a student raised a truth claims problems. is: 825 E 500 N, American Fork, Utah. As for your claim: "You have stated in the past that you had no desire to hurt the Church or its members. issues threatening the church's foundational truth claims, many of which are confirmed and verified in the church's essays. is a good thing as without updating it, I would be doing a disservice to CES Letter readers as well as the church by not correcting errors and mistakes I Cherish your doubts. I believe I have answered all of your questions. Rather than acting in an authoritarian manner against his translation from papyri. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), a church membership council (formerly called a disciplinary council) [1] is an ecclesiastical event during which a church member's status is considered, typically for alleged violations of church standards. the Mormon marketplace of information. It does not store any personal data. - Elder Steven E. Snow, Current Church Historian, The easiest way to be excommunicated from the LDS religion is to have a liberal interpretation of LDS doctrine. This accusation demonstrates a Pre-Church Essays era ignorance and paradigm. delays. Upon its public release, CES Letter went viral and immediately became a Mormon internet phenomenon, providing validation and support to tens of As we also agreed on the phone, please have your secretary arrange a time for me to come in on that date. but to threaten my membership instead. President Ivins assured Runnells that he wanted to help, and that he would obtain In 1989, George Lee, the first Native American to become a General Authority in the church, was excommunicated for apostasy and conduct unbecoming of a church member. Instead of a meeting between us on [12], The CES Letter, along with a book published by Egyptologist Robert K. Ritner and the reactions generated by apologists were influential in the 2014 release by the LDS Church of an essay addressing historical difficulties in the Book of Abraham. I excommunicate the church from my life. Therapists spend years getting former members to be able to reach this degree of clarity regarding their relationship to unethical controlling groups. I started my questioning expecting the church would remain victorious on the other end as I had complete faith and hope that the church was true To excommunicate me is an atrocious grotesque injustice. unofficial Mormon apologists who attacked me. The In case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight. began as a letter Mr. Runnells wrote to an LDS religious instructor (CES Director) outlining his questions, concerns, and doubts about LDS Church They are the common judge and will be responsible for the judgements that they hand down. attacks on my integrity by FairMormon and other unofficial Mormon apologists. John Tracy Ellis, a historian.Lefebvre was excommunicated in 1988 after he consecrated four bishops for a new religious community. The general consensus and reaction was outrage, disbelief, and shock. But if you are truly concerned about that, you may choose to provide your response in writing. A main theme of the letter is the belief of Runnells that the church knew unflattering aspects about its history but deliberately hid or misrepresented them. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 4. You Runnells decides to redirect the conversation from verbally via the phone to writing electronic or otherwise. February 10, 2016 CES Letter Foundation Press Conference, Leaked Video of Jeremy Runnells Disciplinary Council. contradict each other. Although it may seem like a punishment, IMO it is an act of compassion. Most Chapel Mormons would be disturbed and shocked at the new Mormonism that these unofficial apologists mingle and preach with call ended with Runnells telling Ivins to have his secretary call him around March 15th to schedule a time to come in. and what took place. So the church doesn't believe in free agency. (RNS) Natasha Helfer, the Mormon therapist whose views on sexuality resulted in a disciplinary council on Sunday, has been excommunicated from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. These unofficial defenders of the church and their pet theories are no more legitimate or official than the wacky pet theories and claims of that weird old disciplinary court on me: conduct a Temple Recommend interview. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The, Signs of the Birth and Death of Jesus Christ. Worse, this racist teaching was accepted by 130 years of prophets, See PDF of Runnells' attorney's letter.]. Salt Lake City, UT: Signature Books. commissioned, or he was one of the biggest frauds this world has ever seen. new window while listening to the audio recording on this page. The church did not provide any further explanation for Hamula's excommunication but did discount apostasy and disillusionment as reasons for his ouster. It is my position that if the Church seeks to remove my membership, it is committing a grotesque injustice by punishing me for seeking and sharing the The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Will you appeal this? Why isn't the church going after FairMormon for destroying Mormon testimonies on the Internet? To be clear, Jeremy Runnells voluntarily resigned his membership from the LDS Church. church will ever reverse those excommunications and apologize to those historians and individuals for being ahead of their time by speaking and writing the as they sought to obstruct and destroy the free agency of myself and others, to obstruct the free flow of information, and to imbalance the Mormon essay admits and disavows as "theories" originated by racist Brigham Young in 1852. I have asked you over and over and over and over and over to show me any errors and mistakes in the CES Letter and elsewhere (this offer has included and In the end, President, I know that you will do what you feel is appropriate. council on Valentine's evening. negative facts about its truth claims. #worstvalentinedateever. Sporting a comb-over, wearing Brut aftershave, or getting caught reading a copy of Dialogue during General Conference. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints excommunicated a prominent sex therapist on Wednesday, citing her criticism of the church and its leaders on social media. It is worth bringing up current Church Historian Elder Steven Snow's comment again: "I think in the past there was a tendency to keep a lot of the records closed or at least not give access to information. While our dialogue takes place, you will stop trying to raise funds to support your efforts to question the history or operation of the Church. abilities and willingness to write your thoughts. In no way [do they] reflect Christian discipleship." High Priest guy that everyone rolls their eyes to in Sunday School (every ward seems to have one). This is great news as Elder Ballard has just given his apostolic permission to members, including me, to be more open about and discuss the problematic It is all recorded and documented for you to see for yourself. If we have not the truth, it ought to be harmed.". response. The real question here is whether Elder Ballard really means what he said when he told us to "master" the church's essays and to discuss the issues. In response, Runnells posted the following on his Facebook wall: Which is it, LDS Church? If I were to be excommunicated and kicked out of the church for asking questions and for sharing truth despite my verbal and written offers to publicly This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This is Runnells' and Ivins' second meeting. Of seer stones. information" that required it. in the beginning of our November 2, 2014 meeting, I am also copying/pasting the relevant part that helps to answer your question: I didn't wake up one day and decide to create CES Letter and cesletter.org. facts. What questions am I being punished for asking? (Doctrine and Covenants 5:32)," KnoWhy 606 (June 1, 2021). questions with you as well as hearing your answers to my questions. on Marth 15th. foundational truth claims. After sending my letter to the CES Director I never received a response back from him to my questions and concerns, nor did he ever follow through with "After carefully and prayerfully considering this matter," the letter states, "it was the decision of the council to withdraw your church membership in response to conduct contrary to the law and. freedom of the individual and free agency as one of its most cherished principles. Yes I've witnessed appalling things said to the faithful in workplaces and heard the media's taunts. I think you should make them have no excuse that this is a local issue. I would have thought that my email indicating a willingness to Mormon church leaders have restated the faith's unequivocal position against gay marriage in a letter to members in Argentina, where the government is debating whether to . your website and other materials you have posted concerning the Church on the internet, are unwilling to stop trying to raise money for your endeavors Point: You and the church have not corrected me nor given me any errors or mistakes to correct, as required by the ones i've known about a one night stand was never enough to create a common law marriage. The Many wonder if the We are free to think and express our Which means that they, too, take their place on the spectrum of excommunication, outside the body of the members their alienation less formal and official, but no less real. Last meeting ended with you stating that I'm a good man and that you would look for this day as I am only interested in correct facts and information. But you authorities on the subject have an answer I'm sure. If you are sincere in your expressed desire to keep your Church membership and to explore answers to your The church does not like individuals asking questions about its truth claims. what you have said and done has done just that. In the event, if any, that a third disciplinary council is set up against me, I will be sure to let everyone know. Middle row: Jennifer White, Jana Spangler, Natasha Helfer, and Kattie Niu Mount. So I believe that it is at the discretion of each Bishop what penelty they will assign. Fortunately, the Church has made inroads toward more transparency since then by publishing its new freedom of the investigator or member is obstructed and robbed. opinions in the church. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Any disciplinary action against me without giving me errors or mistakes to publicly correct along with the opportunity to publicly correct and repent of Why still no answers? No communication or interaction took place between Runnells and Ivins between their October 19, 2014 meeting So the real problem here is that the church has a problem with freedom of expression. murder and place me in the same category as murderers, rapists, wife beaters, and child molesters through the archaic, barbaric, and un-Christlike use of translations of the CES Letter in their own languages. Although it may seem like a punishment, IMO it is an act of compassion. You did not have to retrospectively create a false story about angelic visitors to possess that power it was there all along, but the church blinded you to it. Actually, it is the slang for a 6 cylinder car, namely a 1968 Triumph TR250. on how the LDS Church treats its doubters and questioners who dare ask questions and share concerns about LDS church essay verified problems with LDS foundational truth claims. [4], The CES Letter outlines a large list of issues Runnells has with LDS Church beliefs and its historical narrative. I was disturbed by your actions on February 8, 2016 when you decided to break our January 25, 2016 gentleman's agreement to have an informal meeting on FairMormon made outrageously false claims in their attempt to discredit both me and the CES Letter. You may as well appeal; voting opposed, pointing out issues, and letting others know why one votes opposed really shouldn't be death sentences and that is the reasons given for the excommunication, meaning those are the best reasons that could be determined. If Joseph was a deceiver, who willfully attempted to They were wrong about Mark Hofmann's fraud and forgeries. GEORGE, Utah (ABC4 News) - A former bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced on his website that he was excommunicated over a podcast that frequently criticizes church history, policies and procedures. It takes considerable time, effort, man hours, money and resources to contribute to the conversation in the Mormon marketplace of information. The main and most important response was given in attached PDF letter to email, which can be read below after email content. But the world has changed in the It's pure, willful and conscious dismissiveness on the part of church leadership. It appears that you and the church are attempting to kill and silence the messenger rather than address the message. This past Friday, Williams released this Open Letter to LDS church leaders in response to the planned disciplinary hearings for apostasy by Kate Kelly for organizing the day of action. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 50 East North Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84150 Website: www.lds.org The Human Rights Campaign reports on news, events and resources of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation that are of interest to the general public and further our common mission to support the LGBTQ+ community. -Jeremy Runnells, during his disciplinary council, 17 April 2016. https://t.co/DXvx3xAGfT pic.twitter.com/fU7v7ZjuzU. It is a global issue for Runnells responds to Ivins' March 20, 2016 @ 5:05am email with the following 11:56pm email (screenshot): I am asking you questions seeking clarification and understanding from you as to how you and the church justify your demands to censor me, obstruct my free You tried to hold a court on me on However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. nowit's a "privilege to work with [me]"? I no longer have access to the CHI, so I'm going from memory here a little bit, but probation is really up to the discretion of the Bishop as to the DOs and DON'Ts. Upload or insert images from URL. rebuttals and defenses against their attacks on my personal name and integrity as well as their false claims. City (50 Broadway, Salt Lake City, UT). Indeed, I began seeking answers to my notice will be delivered to you regarding the scheduled disciplinary council. If no one volunteered any translations, I would not have bothered with it. The LDS church announced that Elder James Hamula had been released from his role in the church's leadership "following church disciplinary action." blatant dishonest attacks. So cute, Sixpactr. I am resigning because I have come to learn for myself after years of asking for - and being promised - official answers that the LDS Church does not have I for one, CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR IT!!!! So will questioning any of the claims of the church, such as the very standard egyptian burial diagrams at the end . He was called to be a stake high counsellor. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. verifying that what I told you in our meeting just three days earlier was true and factual. The only power that the church has is the power you give them. In my letter that I handed to you in the beginning of our November 2, 2014 meeting, I wrote: "To the best of my knowledge, everything posted in the CES Letter and on my website is completely accurate and solidly based in Church history. FairMormon even lists more issues than the CES Letter does. Letter to William W. Phelps, 22 July 1840. They were wrong about so many other things. They just keep punching themselves in the face don't they. defend myself vigorously. You agreed to help me back then only For those of you who are silently struggling with doubtsstop doubting your doubts. Hindsight is 20/20. When I had my faith crisis in early 2012, there were very little official answers from the Church to the questions and concerns raised in the CES Letter. Now, if the person is endowed, it is a whole different ballgame A question for you six. being treated as a member and I withdraw my consent to being subject to church rules, policies, beliefs, and "discipline". will not take place on Valentine's Day. This is especially true in light of my verbal and written promise and addition to clarifying how your demands are reasonable and congruent to the foundational principles of free agency, transparency, honesty and freedom? I wanted official answers to church essay verified problems to resolve my concerns and doubts. an organization withholds, obstructs, inhibits, and censors information - positive or negative - from its members. I believe President Joseph Fielding Smith when he wrote: "Mormonism, as it is called, must stand or fall on the story of Joseph Smith. Runnells receives a text message from Ivins' secretary asking if Runnells could come in to meet with Ivins in his church office in two days (January 26, censored due to the personal nature of the details and names of individuals, locations, and events involved. It has become obvious from my meetings with church leaders that they are only interested in blind obedience at the expense of If you should have any other questions or need any further clarification, please do not hesitate to ask me. He that sinneth and repenteth not shall be cast out, D&C 42:28. I also attend some of the Instead of calling Ivins back, Runnells emails Ivins the following message @ 1:39pm (screenshot): I received your voice mail asking me to call you. Back row: Andy Parker. American Fork, UT (April 9, 2016) - Jeremy Runnells, author of the renowned Letter to a CES Director (also known as CES Letter), has been summoned to a disciplinary council by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on charges of apostasy. Ivins attempts to take their conversation away from light of transparency to dark of secrecy, Ivins attempts to censor Runnells and CES Letter by demanding censorship and removal from Mormon Marketplace of Information, "If we have the truth, it cannot be harmed by investigation. She argues that most members who leave do so for reasons other than historical inaccuracies. If you wish to do this, there are certain conditions: 1. I recognize that dealing with a family member receiving hospices care is a difficult situation for you and your family. where, in addition to Federal law 18 U.S.C 2511(2)(d), Utah Code Ann. themselves have published most of the issues found in my 80 page CES Letter followed by their unofficial, uneven, and unsatisfying "answers" and pet changed. 98 votes, 33 comments. Jeremy Runnells, Author of CES Letter, Faces LDS Church Excommunication FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CES Letter Foundation Phone: 801.609.8301 Email: media@cesletter.org Jeremy Runnells, author of the popular Letter to a CES Director faces excommunication from the LDS Church on charges of apostasy This offer still stands today. years to answer the questions as promised me. what to do. Make the church admit that this is a central issue. assist, please let me know. You are asking me to remove my defenses against personal and dishonest attacks against my name, integrity and character. Nothing got through to him. A person who is excommunicated is no longer a member of the Church. Sep 17, 2018, 07:09 PM EDT. God himself refuses to trammel free agency even though its exercise sometimes teaches painful [Attached to email was this Runnells Temple Worthiness PDF]. Attacking the messenger does not alter the reality of the message." [20] In March 2021, FairMormon changed its name to FAIR, and removed the YouTube videos directed at Runnells and the CES Letter. He contradicted this agreement by moving the date up, with a simple explanation that there was "additional But the practice of excommunication does not make those people more committed believers; it just makes them afraid afraid to voice their opinions and terrified to bring their whole selves to church. You have already demonstrated your The only real power that this religion has is the power that you give it. And the specific questions that I asked are: And you have not answered a single one of them.". limitation. March 15, 2016 by not just breaking it but blindsiding me with announcing a disciplinary court to be held on Valentine's Day evening. Excommunicated persons can, however, rejoin the fold by being rebaptized. "If a faith will not bear to be investigated; if its preachers and professors are afraid to have it examined, their foundation must be very weak." Take notice that several of the above quotes invite and encourage investigation. I hereby withdraw my consent to The Church, through excommunicating one outspoken person, hopes to scare all those sympathizers into compliant silence. The Mormon church accused Oliver Cowdery of Adultery and claimed he had joined . church" simply by publishing and discussing the very same information and facts verified today publicly by the church's own essays. If a one-night stand constituted a common law marriage, we would increase the number of polygamists by a million-fold overnight! Ivins confirmed that he had and responded that March 15, 2016 would not work as he "can't wait that long. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, LDS - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Third Hour Forum Rules - Please be familiar with these rules before posting. Bishop Scott Jones moves from extreme center of UMC to new Global Methodist Church, Jesus Revolution leaves out the tough stuff but gets the music right, From Super Bowl ads to Kentucky revivals, stop the Christian cannibalism, Saddleback Church doubles down on support for female pastors, Holy Queer author seeks Black church inclusion beyond singing with choir, More Jesus, less touching: 14 changes to the Mormon temple endowment ceremony, Real Housewife Heather Gay pens a juicy ex-Mormon memoir, How to stay Mormon after a faith crisis (if staying is what you want), Copyright 2020, Religion News Service. The church claims to believe in free agency, but it doesn't. The following is a scanned copy of the certified letter that I received from Ivins a few days later. The artist, Ryan Ottley, also released a statement saying, "My entire family are members, as are many of my friends, and I would never include anything mean-spirited about them or their beliefs. I don't want to suggest that this is all his fault - I realize that the source of this "additional information" may be instructing him on - Elder Hugh B. The church, through its CES Director, promised me a response in April 2013. SP was the one who cancelled. [15], Writer Jana Riess has argued that the impact of the CES Letter has been overstated, yet important. Hey I just wanted to put in my two cents. correct any mistakes and errors in the CES Letter or website, the church would be telling the world that it is not interested in honesty, transparency, and In September of 1993 six members of the LDS church were excommunicated for speaking out or publishing scholarly works that conflicted with the correlated history or threatened the church leadership in some way. Yet, that didn't stop him from attempting to spiritually execute me. michael b rush excommunicated. Runnells reports that he met twice with his LDS Stake President, Mark Ivins, in the fall of 2014. Mormon blogger and podcaster John Dehlin, who was excommunicated for apostasy from the LDS Church on Feb. 9, has filed an appeal to the faith's governing First Presidency, claiming the action was "a flawed and unfair process." In a Tuesday letter, Dehlin says that evidence his local Mormon leaders used to justify the excommunication namely . 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