multidirectional nystagmus causes

The complete form of CSNB is associated with mutations of the genes GRM6 (metabotropic glutamate receptor 6), NYX (Nyctalopin) and TRPM1 (transient receptor potential cation channel). Pupillary area decreases with increasing irradiance over a 9 log unit range.9 The initial constriction of the pupil peaks at 200msec in response to the illuminant; however, the pupillary light response (PLR) persists for 30sec.10-11 The prolonged pupillary light response (PLR) is related to a unique sensitivity to short-wavelength blue light. Table 3. Siatkowski RM, Vilar NF, Sternau L, Coin CG. Infants are presented with a rectangular gray card on which there is a grating embedded on one side that is matched in mean luminance to the gray background (Figure 1). Learning everything you can about nystagmus can help you make an informed decision about your health. Half of the subjects failed to generate saccades or generated saccades that showed no consistent relationship with the direction, amplitude or timing of the stimulus. When you move your head, your eyes move automatically to adjust. Nystagmus. Weiss A. Ocular abnormalities in childhood metabolic disorders. The infantile malignant form is due to a mutation in the human GL (grey-lethal) gene and failure to form osteoclasts resulting in early demise within 3-4 weeks of birth.33 Viable forms of osteopetrosis are characterized by increased bone density with narrowing of the internal lumen, resulting in compression of the optic and auditory nerves and pancytopenia. PMD gene encodes two proteins: proteolipid protein (PLP) and DM 20. [6][7], Infantile nystagmus is also associated with two X-linked eye diseases known as complete congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) and incomplete CSNB (iCSNB or CSNB-2), which are caused by mutations of one of two genes located on the X chromosome. The cause of multidirectional and vertical nystagmus can be metabolic, toxic or structural so they can be seen with conditions as disparate as phenytoin A clinicopathologic study of diencephalic pediatric low-grade gliomas with BRAF V600 mutation. Taken together, these data suggested that visual acuity was limited by eye velocity. Huizing M, Dorward H, Ly L, et al. Human and macaque pupil responses driven by melanopsin-containing retinal ganglion cells. The nystagmus often has a pendular waveform that persists but can evolve into a jerk waveform. The skin pigmentation may be within the normal range but subnormal relative to that of other family members. The remaining half generated targeted saccades that were either hypometric or hypermetric. The following discussion primarily focuses on those sensory disorders in which the relevant clinical features are more subtle and diagnostic testing provides crucial information. Russell-Eggitt I, Harris CM, Kriss A. Brain MRI scans feature profound hypo-myelination, small and abnormal gyri, and neuronal heterotopia. Comprehensive eye examination begins with an objective assessment of visual acuity, using Teller acuity cards (TACs) in infants or standardized optotype in older children. In infancy, the combination of unstable fixation and immature tracking can lead to vision concerns. The presence of paradoxical pupillary responses has been reported in infants with congenital stationary night blindness and achromatopsia.15-17. Physical or occupational therapy is also used to treat nystagmus. The typical and most common phenotype is the autosomal recessive form referred to as achromatopsia or rod monochromatism. Nystagmus symptoms can affect one or both eyes. [40], Nystagmus is a relatively common clinical condition, affecting one in several thousand people. For example, it has been proposed that mini-telescopic eyeglasses suppress nystagmus. a right-beating nystagmus is characterized by a rightward-moving quick phase, and a left-beating nystagmus by a leftward-moving quick phase). Blindness from bad bones. Underdeveloped control over eye movements. While laser eye surgery doesnt cure nystagmus, it improves your vision. Nystagmus severity can be invariant in all gaze positions or can vary with horizontal gaze position. The youngest child in a family with a CRB1 mutation showed well-delineated retinal layers with preservation of the (OLM), whereas older patients showed coarse lamination and loss of the OLM. but ranging from 20/25 to 20/200. Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 11/16/2021. Cruz-Martin A, El-Danaf RN, Osakada F, et al. Adults with acquired nystagmus describe their vision as shaky.. For example, if nystagmus is caused by an inner ear condition, symptoms may go away once its treated. Keep in mind that nystagmus can be linked to serious health issues, so prompt diagnosis and treatment is imperative. Furthermore, the OCT may provide information about the underlying genotype and progression of disease. Nystagmus is a condition of involuntary (or voluntary, in some cases)[1] eye movement, sometimes informally called "dancing eyes". The clinical history and neuroimaging are critical to the evaluation of the infant or child with INS due to an associated disorder of central vestibular pathways. The ipRGCs project to the pretectum (the midbrain region responsible for the PLR), the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) (the area of the brain responsible for circadian rhythms), and the inter-geniculate leaflet. WebPendular nystagmus can result from brain diseases such as multiple sclerosis, but can be a congenital problem as well. Congenital malformations of the optic nerve bilaterally are frequently associated with INS. Corbett JJ. Smith DP. Each of these mutations is associated with loss of function of rod and cone ON bipolar cells. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. - the documentary had participants explain what it is like to live with the eye condition, and was released for free. Central vestibular disorders are poorly suppressed by visual fixation and are not modulated by head movement. Documentation of sluggishly reactive or non-reactive pupils bilaterally suggests severe loss of retinal or optic nerve function due to bilateral optic nerve hypoplasia, Leber congenital amaurosis, severe onset cone-rod dystrophy, or congenital retinal dysplasia. Cyclotorsional and rotary nystagmus have been observed associated with compression of the rostral midbrain (INC and midbrain tegmentum), which is consistent with their role in the planning of vertical and cyclovertical eye movements. Good WV, Koch TS, Jan JE. Your healthcare provider can help you find a treatment that works for you. As a result of the loss of these inputs, the leading edge of the b-wave is squared off, but there is a normal OFF response driven by cone OFF bipolar cells. Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 12. Therefore, it is important to keep in mind that the nystagmus may be a manifestation of the underlying CNS or vestibular abnormality. Systemic diseases associated with cone-rod dystrophy. Yamagata M, Sanes JR. This constellation of oculomotor deficits is referred to as the dorsal midbrain or Parinaud syndrome. Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) is a generic term used to describe a heterogeneous group of retinal dystrophies that are present at birth. Nystagmus itself isnt considered dangerous. Weiss and colleagues documented oculomotor abnormalities of varying severity in all subjects with JS having eye movement recordings. From here, a signal is relayed to the extraocular muscles to allow one's gaze to fix on an object as the head moves. Get useful, helpful and relevant health + wellness information. A growing number of malformations of the brainstem and cerebellum associated with abnormalities in axonal routing and inter-neuronal connectivity can be associated with vestibular nystagmus as well as other gaze-holding instabilities (GHI).58. Tenotomy is now being performed regularly at numerous centres around the world. Arrested development: high-resolution imaging of foveal morphology in albinism. Theyll test your vision, examine the inside of your eyes and ask about your symptoms. Each of these genotypes shows a wide range of clinical phenotypes. [13][14] Rarely it may be due to a genetic condition that results in difficulties absorbing thiamine found in food. distinct and sustained nystagmus at maximum deviation, and. Nystagmus Diagnosis When nystagmus is a new symptom Another useful clinical test is the rapid head thrust test during which the subjects head is rapidly turned in alternate directions while the subject is fixating on a stationary, central target. Involvement of PLEKHM1 in osteoclastic vesicular transport and osteopetrosis in incisors absent rats and humans. Liver biopsy reveals steatosis. Peroxisomal disorders are divided into two groups: peroxisomal biogenesis disorders (PBDs) in which there is a generalized deficiency of peroxisomal enzymes deficiency (Zellweger syndrome) or of a single peroxisomal enzyme (like ALD protein in X-linked adrenal leukodystrophy or phytanoyl CoA hydroxylase in Refsum disease). Therefore, borderline-sized optic nerves with macular hypoplasia can be mistaken for albinism until the reduced nerve fiber layer is appreciated. In contrast, incomplete SNB shows a reduced b-wave in response to a light flash under scotopic conditions and a near-normal response to a bright flash or a flash flickering at 30 Hz under photopic conditions. Certain medications, such as antiseizure drugs. Collectively, the diencephalic clinical features, early visual loss, optic atrophy, and distinctive nystagmus help to distinguish these infants from those with IN. The condition is usually caused by an underlying health condition or drugs. Absence of paternally expressed imprinted genes at 15q11.2-q13, Absence of maternally expressed imprinted genes at 15q11.2-q13, Oculocutaneous albinism associated with systemic disease. Early-onset nystagmus occurs more frequently than acquired nystagmus. Head trauma. Macular hypoplasia in the context of variable pigment dilution of skin, hair, and eye is the defining hallmark of albinism. [22], Pathological nystagmus is characterized by "excessive drifts of stationary retinal images that degrades vision and may produce illusory motion of the seen world: oscillopsia (an exception is congenital nystagmus)". The cause of pathological nystagmus may be congenital, idiopathic, or secondary to a pre-existing neurological disorder. Vertical, horizontal, or rotary nystagmus may be noted. Nystagmus can affect both children and adults. 2016-2017:248. Ocular motor signs in an infant with carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome type Ia. There are a number of causes for Babies with this condition start to show symptoms between six weeks and three months of age. Ask your healthcare provider for resources. Infants with chiasmal gliomas come to medical attention with clinical features consistent with a diencephalic syndrome and nystagmus.49-52 The nystagmus is frequently monocular, small amplitude (<2deg), high frequency ( >5Hz), and either horizontally or vertically directed. First, the loss of melanin pigmentation within the RPE allows for direct visualization of the underlying choroidal vessels (Figure 2) Secondly, the macula appears to be underdeveloped, owing to the persistence of the inner retinal layers and to abnormal presence of retinal vessels in the normally avascular zone. The pretectal syndrome in monkeys. Types of early-onset nystagmus include the following, along with some of their causes: X-linked infantile nystagmus is associated with mutations of the gene FRMD7, which is located on the X chromosome. Treatment consists of learning strategies to compensate for the impaired system. Autosomal dominant optic atrophy: a spectrum of disability. During this procedure, your surgeon repositions the muscles that move the eyes. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the main causes of nystagmus include: a family history of nystagmus. You may be born with it, or you might develop it later in life. The response of these intrinsically photoreceptive retinal ganglion cells fully accounts for the paradoxical pupillary constriction to extinction of light. Stark KL, Gibson JB, Hertle RW, Brodsky MC. In some cases, its passed down to children from their parents, but the exact cause isnt always clear. Purely vertical nystagmus usually originates in the central nervous system, but it is also an adverse effect commonly seen in high phenytoin toxicity. Transparency of the cornea, lens, and ocular media is another relevant feature of the ocular examination. Defective biosynthesis of proteolipid protein in Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease. There are two types: congenital and acquired. Gamlin PD, McDougal DH, Pokorny J, Smith VC, Yau KW, Dacey DM. Pasadhika S, Fishman GA, Stone EM, et al. In addition to optic atrophy, these patients had extrapyramidal movements, particularly chorea, progressive spasticity in half of the patients, and elevated urinary levels of methyl glutaconic acid.31-32 Costeff syndrome was originally attributed to two recessive mutations in the 2-exon gene OPA3.33 A novel third OPA3 gene that encodes 2 transcripts targeted primarily to mitochondria was subsequently identified.34 On the basis of this genetic heterogeneity, this group of diseases is now collectively referred to as 3-Methylglutaconic aciduria types I, II, and III. Ocular colobomas can appear as an isolated malformation but usually occur in the context of a genetic or chromosomal abnormality. A slightly different form of nystagmus may be produced voluntarily by some people. I. Disturbances of gaze and body posture. Characteristics of the pupillary light reflex in the macaque monkey: metrics. The simplest one is the caloric reflex test, in which one ear canal is irrigated with warm or cold water or air. Atkinson and colleagues reported that only 5% of infants 6 to 9 months of age have more than 3 diopters of hyperopia and 0.5% more than 3 diopters of myopia.6 High hyperopia is most consistent with some forms of Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) or early onset conerod dystrophy. Price MJ, Thompson HS, Judisch GF, Corbett JJ. The VOR gain is lower when the head is rotated away from the affected side. The macular luteal pigments composed of carotenoids within the superficial retina are still present, giving the macula an orange-brown coloration relative to the hypopigmented peripheral retina. Dilated fundus examination reveals the 2 most important diagnostic features. WebNystagmus most commonly affects both of the eyes. A 29-year-old pregnant woman was admitted for hyperemesis gravidarum. Jerk nystagmus has a slow phase in on Two main types of nystagmus: pendular nystagmus (eyes move repetitively in a sinusoidal pattern) and jerk nystagmus (eyes move slowly in one direction and rapidly correct in the opposite direction). [3], In normal eyesight, while the head rotates about an axis, distant visual images are sustained by rotating eyes in the opposite direction of the respective axis. Dilation of the lateral ventricles, especially the occipital horns, can lead to compressive damage of the visual radiations. WebDirection-changing positional nystagmus (DCPN) is a nystagmus that changes its direction with different body and head positions. Therefore, the skin pigmentation of other family members should be assessed directly or from photographs. Presentation of the light source in a darkened room at an oblique axis to the direction of gaze helps to distinguish a pupillary response to the illuminant from that of the near response. In albinism, the ratio of crossed to uncrossed axons is much higher, resulting in the loss of spatial overlap of corresponding nasal and temporal locations in the 2 eyes and the loss of binocular correspondence. Complete SNB is characterized by a normal a-wave and a reduced or absent b-wave under scotopic conditions, but a near-normal b-wave in response to a bright flash or a flash flickering at 30 Hz under photopic conditions. But it may be associated with serious health conditions, especially those affecting the brain, such as stroke, brain tumor, toxicity, head trauma and inflammatory diseases. the onset of nystagmus prior to 45 degrees. It was featured on NBN News, and ABC Radio Newcastle, in Australia. Presumably, the congenital presence or onset of these visual sensory abnormalities before 6 months of age interferes with the development of stable gaze holding, resulting in INS. Visualization of the boundary between the hypoplastic optic nerve and the surrounding retina in the background of an eye in continuous motion is problematic. Patients with an eccentric or tilted head posture have visual acuity tested in their preferred head position. Congenital stationary night blindness presenting as Lebers congenital amaurosis. One overlooked aspect of the infant with INS is the potential impact on interpersonal interactions. Visual sensory disorders in congenital nystagmus. Detection of optic atrophy should initiate evaluation for hereditary optic atrophy. Shunt failure without ventriculomegaly proclaimed by ophthalmic findings. Osteopetrosis is a rare cause of optic atrophy with severe progressive visual loss and INS that is easily overlooked. After surgery, this child immediately showed reduced eye velocities but improvements in visual acuity were documented one year later (Unpublished data). The combination of INS and reduced visual acuity are not specific to albinism but are common to many visual sensory disorders. In the most comprehensive study of the prevalence of vestibular and balance disorders in children, which included data from 561,151 patient encounters, cumulative prevalence of diagnoses related to balance was 0.45% (n=2,546) For 5,793 (1.03%) of patients, the chief complaint was related to balance, and 2,076 (35.84%) also had a vestibular disorder. Additional downstream structures associated with specific clinical findings include pressure on the central caudal nucleus (eyelid retraction or Colliers sign), the Edinger-Westfall nucleus (light near dissociation) and the Group C vergence neurons in the region of the oculomotor nuclei (convergence retraction, paralysis of convergence or divergence, spasm of convergence, A-pattern XT and downbeat nystagmus.40,46-48. Children with congenital nystagmus usually have it in both eyes. In pendular nystagmus, the eye motion is like a pendulum swinging back and forth. Slit lamp examination of the iris may reveal punctate or confluent defects of the pigmented epithelium. The approach thats best for you depends on the cause of your condition, your health history and your personal preferences. Family history of similarly affected relatives who are otherwise healthy may help to distinguish the isolated genetic cases. Depending on the root cause of your nystagmus, you may experience vision problems. For example, CEP290 mutations have been documented in patients with LCA, Meckel Gruber, Senior Loken and Bardet Biedl syndromes. Their eyes move rapidly and uncontrollably in an up and down, side to side or circular motion. The main symptom is blurry vision. Srpskohrvatski / , Toxicity or intoxication, metabolic disorders and combination, Central nervous system (CNS) diseases and disorders, Note however that "dancing eyes" is also a common term for, Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), Infantile cerebellar retinal degeneration, Field sobriety testing Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test (HGN), "Incidence and characteristics of voluntary nystagmus", "Five novel mutations of the FRMD7 gene in Chinese families with X-linked infantile nystagmus", "A common NYX mutation in Flemish patients with X linked CSNB", "The number of procedures required to eliminate positioning nystagmus in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo", "Nutrition and Growth Guidelines | Domestic Guidelines - Immigrant and Refugee Health", "MRI magnetic field stimulates rotational sensors of the brain", "Diagnostic value of nystagmus: spontaneous and induced ocular oscillations", "Differences Between Physiologic and Pathologic Nystagmus", "Gaze-evoked and rebound nystagmus in a cerebellar syndrome", "Positional nystagmus and vertigo due to a solitary brachium conjunctivum plaque", "Vertical nystagmus: clinical facts and hypotheses", Muscular Dystrophy Association Press Release, "Many options to treat nystagmus, more in development", "The use of contact lenses to treat visually symptomatic congenital nystagmus", "Mini-telescopic eyeglasses suppress nystagmus", "Effects of acupuncture on foveation characteristics in congenital nystagmus", "Interventions for eye movement disorders due to acquired brain injury", "The prevalence of nystagmus: the Leicestershire nystagmus survey", Thygeson's superficial punctate keratopathy, Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia, Lesional demyelinations of the central nervous system, Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, Leukoencephalopathy with vanishing white matter, Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts,, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from August 2011, Short description is different from Wikidata, Self-contradictory articles from April 2014, Articles lacking reliable references from February 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2015, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2018, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from January 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Visual-motor syndrome of functional monophthalmus, Exposure to strong magnetic fields (as in MRI machines), Long-term exposure to low light conditions or darkness, called. Differentiating the various types of nystagmus can help differentiate central vs peripheral causes of vertigo. H55.0 should not be used for reimbursement purposes as there are multiple codes below it that contain a greater level of detail. Weiss AH, Kelly JP. Weleber RG, Tongue AC. As a result, symptoms can be successfully managed with eyeglasses or contact lenses. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) reveals the characteristic molar tooth sign, which refers to the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF)-filled interpeduncular fossa, hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis, and horizontally oriented and thickened superior cerebellar peduncles. Strabismus, binocular functions and ocular motility in children with hydrocephalus. This study investigated the neurological complications in a pregnant woman with hyperemesis gravidarum. Molecular testing reveals duplication or missense, insertional or deletional mutations of the PLP gene. Some of the diseases that present nystagmus as a pathological sign or symptom are as follows: Sources of toxicity that could lead to nystagmus: Risk factors for thiamine deficiency, or beri beri, in turn include a diet of mostly white rice, as well as alcoholism, dialysis, chronic diarrhea, and taking high doses of diuretics. This improves focus and helps things look clearer when you cant hold a steady gaze. Albinism. Hydrocephalus is a common CNS abnormality with frequent onset prenatally or in infancy. The pretectal syndrome in monkeys. Clearer vision can help slow the rapid eye movements associated with nystagmus. Optical coherence tomography (OCT), which defines retinal anatomy at a resolution near 10 microns, enables semi-quantitation of its severity across patients.27 Therefore, comprehensive assessments of INS patients should include OCT testing using the handheld OCT instrument in younger children and the slit-lamp mounted OCT instrument in older children. Melanopsin-expressing ganglion cells in primate retina signal colour and irradiance and project to the LGN. Early onset of nystagmus may lead to a misdiagnosis of INS unless the evaluation includes a developmental assessment and careful examination for optic atrophy. Subsequently, gabapentin, an anticonvulsant, led to improvement in about half the patients who took it. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) can reveal 6 distinct layers or a reduced number and poorly defined retinal layers.54. [8][9] CSNB-2 involves mutations of CACNA1F, a voltage-gated calcium channel that, when mutated, does not conduct ions.[10]. The recognition of hydrocephalus is often suspected on the basis of clinical findings and then confirmed by neuroimaging evidence of enlarged ventricle(s). It is postulated that the resulting degradation of visual inputs to the spatiotemporal filters (space-time plots) in striate cortex limits the refinements in downstream cortical and brainstem structures that maintain stable gaze holding. Many forms of acquired nystagmus may also be caused by disruptions of visual Likewise, inquiries concerning family members with neurologic, metabolic, or genetic disorders can suggest an underlying systemic disorder. Coming to a Cleveland Clinic location?Hillcrest Cancer Center check-in changesCole Eye entrance closingVisitation, mask requirements and COVID-19 information, Notice of Intelligent Business Solutions data eventLearn more. The variable presence of chorioretinal colobomas, congenital heart disease, choanal atresia, developmental delay, and ear abnormalities prompts consideration of the CHARGE association. Family history of nystagmus, albinism, reduced visual acuity, and optic nerve or retinal disease can help narrow the diagnostic possibilities. Costeff H, Elpeleg O, Apter N, Divry P, Gadoth N. 3-Methylglutaconic aciduria in optic atrophy plus.. Delayed visual maturation: an update. [42][43] However, the validity of the horizontal gaze nystagmus test for use as a field sobriety test for persons with a blood alcohol level between 0.04 and 0.08[clarification needed] is supported by peer reviewed studies and has been found to be a more accurate indication of blood alcohol content than other standard field sobriety tests.[44]. [33] Several therapeutic approaches, such as contact lenses,[34] drugs, surgery, and low vision rehabilitation have also been proposed. Unlike congenital nystagmus, acquired nystagmus develops later in life. Review of the perinatal history and age at achievement of relevant physical and motor milestones is important. Gelbart SS, Hoyt CS. Inter-aural asymmetries of the induced eye velocity are indicative of peripheral disease that lateralizes to the ear with lower velocity. [citation needed], A Cochrane Review on interventions for eye movement disorders due to acquired brain injury, updated in June 2017, identified three studies of pharmacological interventions for acquired nystagmus but concluded that these studies provided insufficient evidence to guide treatment choices. In individuals with nystagmus, the areas of the brain that control eye movements dont work properly. Farmer J, Hoyt CS. Inheritance patterns in congenital stationary night blindness, Metabotropic glutamate receptor 6 (GRM6)Transient receptor potential cationRhodopsin kinase (TRPM1). Barricks ME, Flynn JT, Kushner BJ. As a result, the infant is usually referred either to an ophthalmologist, to a neurologist, or directly to neuroimaging. Visual acuity stabilized around the 20/200 level. Nystagmus can be jerk (named for fast phase) or pendular, variable The latest in prevention, diagnostics and treatment options for a wide spectrum of eye conditions - from the routine to the complex. These locations include the foramina of Monroe, the posterior 3rd ventricle, the aqueduct of Sylvius, the 4th ventricle, and the 4th ventricle foramina. Monocular nystagmus caused by unilateral anterior visual-pathway disease. Underlying choroidal vessels can be directly visualized. The incomplete form of CSNB is associated with mutations of the gene CACNA1F but 2 phenotypes. Theyll also check for other eye problems that might be related to nystagmus, including strabismus, cataracts or issues with the retina or optic nerve. Felius J, Busettini C, Lynn MJ, Hartmann EE, Lambert SR; Infant Aphakia Treatment Study Group. Jerk nystagmus, the more common type, is characterized by eyes that drift slowly in one direction and then jerk back the other way. Birch EE, Stager DR. To disambiguate a voluntary gaze shift to the pattern grating from a gaze shift generated by the underlying nystagmus, the TACs are held vertically where the gratings are horizontally oriented. 1967;2(1):4-10. [3] Authors of another study in the United Kingdom estimated an incidence of 24 in 10,000 (c. 0.240%), noting an apparently higher rate amongst white Europeans than in individuals of Asian origin. The direction of the slow phase component can be horizontal, torsional, or a combination of both directions when each of three canals is affected. Annular deficiency of the central iris, along with corneal pannus, abnormalities of the iridocorneal angle, and propensity to develop glaucoma distinguish aniridia from other forms of macular hypoplasia. Macular hypoplasia and INS are not unique to albinism but can appear in the context of aniridia and in bilateral congenital cataracts. 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