classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous

Use mathematical induction to show that there is a car in the group that can complete a lap by obtaining gas from other cars as it travels around the track. Discrete-continuous models are presented in Chapter 15 and demonstrate that interrelated discrete and continuous data need to be modeled as a system rather than individually, such as the choice of . what pairs of lines are parallel? High School GPA What is the smallest positive integer that is divisible by all positive integers from 1 to 20 inclusive? If either one of the units is defective the shipment is rejected. Answer in as fast as 15 minutes. So, let's take a look at the following three examples. Classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous:X: the number of automobile accidents per year in Virginia. Pizza C. 0.19 What is the relationship between y and 3.77 Based on the result in (b), show that the expected number of mixtures that test positive is about \(11\). \[\begin{array}{c|c c c c} x &0 &1 &2 &3 \\ \hline P(x) &0.0173 &0.0867 &0.1951 &0.2602\\ \end{array}\] \[\begin{array}{c|c c c c} x &4 &5 &6 &7 \\ \hline P(x) &0.2276 &0.1365 &0.0569 &0.0163\\ \end{array}\] \[\begin{array}{c|c c c } x &8 &9 &10 \\ \hline P(x) &0.0030 &0.0004 &0.0000 \\ \end{array}\]. Find the probability that Borachio will produce more than three blemished tires tomorrow. 1 Classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous. First week only $4.99! 4. Mx (1) = (0.21+0.79e). In a \(\$1\) bet on even, the bettor pays \(\$1\) to play. Provide an appropriate response. polymer., A:The objective is to test the main factor effects and interaction effects at the 5% level of, Q:Suppose that a researcher is interested in estimating the mean systolic blood pressure, A:Given that Get access to thousands of practice questions and explanations! Continuous $$ $$ Y: \text{the length of time to play 18 holes of golf} $$ $$ M: \text{the amount of milk produced yearly by a particular cow} $$ $$ N: \text{the number of eggs . A professional proofreader has a \(98\%\) chance of detecting an error in a piece of written work (other than misspellings, double words, and similar errors that are machine detected). Classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous. of companies = 200 Thus, the variable is a discrete random variable. It is seen as a part of artificial intelligence.. Machine learning algorithms build a model based on sample data, known as training data, in order to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly . Instead of testing all \(600\) blood samples to find the expected \(12\) diseased individuals, investigators group the samples into \(60\) groups of \(10\) each, mix a little of the blood from each of the \(10\) samples in each group, and test each of the \(60\) mixtures. Discrete Random Variables are variables that can take on a finite. Construct the probability distribution for \(X\). = 0.05, Q:Problem 2. Hamburger She has a bachelor's in mathematics, a minor in statistics, and a master's in education from Truman State University. y t * is a latent continuous variable, . Praxis Special Ed: Teaching Students with Learning Christian Mysticism Origins & Beliefs | What is Christian Rothschild Family History & Facts | Who are the Rothschilds? Suppose the number \(00\) is considered not to be even, but the number \(0\) is still even. Depending on the size of the school district, it might take a while to count, but the process would eventually end. Find the probability that it lands heads up more times than it lands tails up. (Supposing that indeed \(11\) of the \(60\) mixtures test positive, then we know that none of the \(490\) persons whose blood was in the remaining \(49\) samples that tested negative has the disease. 2.39 M: the amount of milk produced yearly by a particular cow. Continuous Variable: A random variable whose amount can take on any value in a specified range. Show that the expected number of diseased individuals in the group of \(600\) is \(12\) individuals. Classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous:X: the number of automobile accidents per year in Virginia. An, A:For the given scenario, the null and alternative hypotheses are given as below: Y : the length of time to play 18 holes of golf. 3. Classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous. Classify each random variable as either discrete or continuous. 3.36. the amount of milk produced yearly by a particular cow. 4.1: Random Variables Basic Classify each random variable as either discrete or continuous. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. span(X). Your question is solved by a Subject Matter Expert. Step 2: Determine if the values of the random variable can be obtained by counting or not. Find the chance that he guesses correctly between four and seven times. Answer to: Classify the following random variable as one of the following: binomial, discrete uniform, geometric, hypergeometric, Poisson, or. types of variables in statistics ppter wait times university hospital. In a \(\$1\) bet on red, the bettor pays \(\$1\) to play. 4.2: Probability Distributioins for Discrete Random Variables, source@, status page at Find the value th 10) The conditions for both the hypergeometric and the binomial random variables require that the trials are independent. Such a person wishes to buy a \(\$75,000\) one-year term life insurance policy. on a number line. b) Find the equation of the, A:Dependent variable (y) = Final grade of the student 1) Number of customers served by a coffee shop per hour. Compute the probability indicated. the number of building permits issued each month in a certain city. So, it is a discrete variable. Variable N consists of number of eggs laid which can be counted. of patients = 10 Which of the following represents the critical region for this mentioned sample (MUST SHOW WORK, A:Answer:- Given, population mean, = 30 Variable Q consists of weight of grain which can't be counted but can be measured. Find the mean, median, mode, variance, and standard deviation for the number of children in the families. 5 Two fair dice are rolled at once. , of. Write an equation about the sum of their weights. classify observational units into response labels based on the selected features (e.g., [16]). Machine learning (ML) is a field of inquiry devoted to understanding and building methods that "learn" - that is, methods that leverage data to improve performance on some set of tasks. Thus, it is a discrete variable. Find the probability that the next litter will produce at least six live pups. Mean change qualitative data. Contact us by phone at (877)266-4919, or by mail at 100ViewStreet#202, MountainView, CA94041. The number of dropouts in a school per district Advertisement Loved by our community 491 people found it helpful (A) The number of people in India (B) The number of planets in the universe (C) The blood pressures of patients admitted to a hospita read more Hasan Bachelor's Degree 1,919 satisfied customers 2.Classify the following as discrete or continuous random variables A. A discrete variable is one whose value can be determined by counting. The weight can take on decimal values such as 58.75 kg. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, B Classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous, 1. the number of defective computers produced by a manufacturer. The variable is a discrete random variable as the number of spins of roulette wheels that are required to get the number 7 can be counted easily. The number of accidents per year at an intersection. \(X\) is the number of dots on the top face of fair die that is rolled. A multiple choice exam has \(20\) questions; there are four choices for each question. 9) The conditions for both the hypergeometric and the binomial random variables require that each. Let \(C\) denote how much the insurance company charges such a person for such a policy. 1) Classify the following random variable according to whether it is discrete or continuous. Determine the value \(C\) must have in order for the company to average a net gain of \(\$150\) per policy on all such policies. The number of voters favoring a candidate 3. 3.65 A. random variable B. variable C. probability D. probability distribution B. Classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous. std., Q:1. On a graph, a discrete data set looks like a finite set of disconnected points, i.e.. On a graph, a continuous data set looks like a smooth line or curve, i.e.. Classify the following random variable. The variable in the problem is the number of students in an entire school district. The number \(X\) of sound but blemished tires that he produces on a random day has the probability distribution \[\begin{array}{c|c c c c} x &2 &3 &4 &5 \\ \hline P(x) &0.48 &0.36 &0.12 &0.04\\ \end{array}\]. The number of students in a school district is a countable data set. 1) Number of customers served by a coffee shop per hour. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. The random variableX is normally distributed., Q:Visiting Nurses How many different ways can a visiting nurse visit The weight of the professional wrestlers 6. We have given the current U.S. population = 330 million people 72 zero-modied extensions of the discrete distributions commonly used in loss frequency modeling; for the heavy tailed Poisson-inverse Gaussian discrete distribution. Y : the amount of snowfall. The number of passengers in a passenger vehicle on a highway at rush hour. The difference between them can be best understood using examples. An insurance company will sell a \(\$90,000\) one-year term life insurance policy to an individual in a particular risk group for a premium of \(\$478\). Quantitative Random Variables . What is the average number of customers who are waiting in line the moment Shylock enters? Compute the projected total revenue per season when the cover is in place. We need to determine whether the random variable "weight" is discrete or continuous. Y: the length of time to play 18 holes of golf. "Introductory Statistics" by Shafer and Zhang. continuous. The time between customers entering a checkout lane at a retail store. If a carrier (not known to be such, of course) is boarded with three other dogs, what is the probability that at least one of the three healthy dogs will develop kennel cough? Q:Based on statistics from a worldwide health organization in 2005 there was 37.4 Million people. They take positive real values, that means that in the interval used for the variable there are infinite possible values. Let \(X\) denote the net gain to the bettor on one play of the game. Find the probability that exactly \(14\) of the students enrolled in the class write with their left hands. Solved Classify the following random variables as discrete | Math Statistics and Probability Statistics and Probability questions and answers Classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous. Construct the probability distribution of \(X\), the number of sales made each day. Many phenomena can be viewed as examples of a random walk. Interpret the mean in the context of the problem. Explain fully. Classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous. The number \(X\) of days in the summer months that a construction crew cannot work because of the weather has the probability distribution \[\begin{array}{c|c c c c c} x &6 &7 &8 &9 &10\\ \hline P(x) &0.03 &0.08 &0.15 &0.20 &0.19 \\ \end{array}\] \[\begin{array}{c|c c c c } x &11 &12 &13 &14 \\ \hline P(x) &0.16 &0.10 &0.07 &0.02 \\ \end{array}\]. Let our experts help you. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, 091236382866828589466929558292257394847392916739)1/19197363738949595729029283. Thirty-six slots are numbered from \(1\) to \(36\); the remaining two slots are numbered \(0\) and \(00\). Find the average number of cracked or broken eggs in one dozen cartons. The number of games in the next World Series (best of up to seven games). The area of lots in an exclusive subdivision 8. Find the most likely number of skeins that contain knots. So the check it's a pdf. : The function f(x) = -x^4 + 3 does not have an absolute maximum. Solving Problems Involving Systems of Equations, Blood Clot in the Arm: Symptoms, Signs & Treatment. Construct the probability distribution for the number \(X\) of defective units in such a sample. Let \(X\) denote the net gain from the purchase of a randomly selected ticket. Assuming that boys and girls are equally likely, construct the probability distribution of \(X\). The weight of a box of cereal labeled \(18\) ounces.. The number of cups of coffee sold in a cafeteria during lunch. The number of clerical errors on a medical chart. The denominator isn't zero. Circle the correct answer. 0.08 A tree has a finite amount, and if a person were to start counting the number of leaves on a tree, they would finish the process. To, Q:The miles-per-gallon obtained by the 2019 model Q cars is normally distributed with a mean (mew) of, A:The question is about normal distribution B. Continuous a. Find the probability that no days at all will be lost next summer. The number of coins that match when three coins are tossed at once. Find the expected value to the company of a single policy if a person in this risk group has a \(97.25\%\) chance of surviving one year. 3.21 Madagascar Plan Overview & History | What was the Austrian School of Economics | Overview, History & Facts. 46. Abstract. Determine whether the quantitative variable is discrete or continuous: the number of bottles of juice sold in a cafeteria during lunch. So, it is a continuous variable. The number of arrivals at an emergency room between midnight and \(6:00\; a.m\). 78, Q:Selecting Christmas Presents If a person can select 4 presents from 14 presents under a Christmas, Q:A consensus forecast is the average of a large number of individual analysts; forecast. 8)The binomial distribution can be used to model the number of rare events that occur over a given time period. Classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous. Answer: Discrete, quantitative, ratio The amount of sugar in a cup of coffee 6. Explore: Get a piece of paper as a model of plane. 92 Q: the weight of grain produced per acre. If the experiment of dropping the tack \(15\) times is done repeatedly, what is the average number of times it lands with its point in the air? Are asked to verify that this is a pdf over this interval and then find the probability that the random variable is between two and 15. Q:(a) Perform =1-0.95 Can you think of a counter-example that may contradict your assumptions?. Correct to give accuracy, the amount of water measured in liters. O continuous . 80 CONTINUOUS RANDOM VARIABLE Takes on values on a continuous scale. Are movie time lengths discrete or continuous variables? Rarely Tested Question Types - Conjunctions: Punctuation - Apostrophes: SAT® Writing & Interest & Rate of Change - Interest: SAT® How to Add, Subtract and Multiply Polynomials. Find the confidence interval of, A:Given Compute the mean revenue per night if the cover is not installed. A player has to cross 10 hurdles in a hurdle race. Since this data can be obtained by counting, it is a discrete variable. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . In easier definition, discrete random. 1) Number of customers served by a coffee shop per hour. There are about 140 million houses in the, A:Given information- (A tree diagram is helpful). 1. . The prizes and chances of winning are listed in the offer as: \(\$5\) million, one chance in \(65\) million; \(\$150,000\), one chance in \(6.5\) million; \(\$5,000\), one chance in \(650,000\); and \(\$1,000\), one chance in \(65,000\). Find the average number of appeals in such mailings that are made to students who already give blood. Q:The values of P(Z0.1) and P (Z0.1) are the same. 4 Find the probability that it lands heads up at most five times. The discrete random variable showing the policy rate adjustments for each country is denoted by y t. . This is continuous. An insurance company estimates that the probability that an individual in a particular risk group will survive one year is \(0.9825\). A student guesses the answer to every question. infinitely uncountable number of potential values, regularly. Find the probability that \(X\) is two, three, or four. More than three blemished tires tomorrow of dots on the selected features ( e.g., [ ]... 'S in mathematics, a minor in statistics, and a master 's in education from Truman State.... The game no days at all will be lost next summer 16 ] ) three blemished tires tomorrow data be. Person wishes to buy a \ ( \ $ 1\ ) bet on red, the pays... Variable C. probability D. probability distribution for \ ( X\ ) the random. Get a piece of paper as a model of plane that Borachio will produce at least six live pups policy. 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